Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 1 down..

So, it's the first day of deployment for my darling boy. He's on the other side of the globe right now, roughing it out on the open sea. He left Bahrain at 5:30am (his time). I got an e-mail from him this morning letting me know about his flight being delayed 4 hours due to his plane breaking down! Scary stuff :( But I'm glad he made it there safely. I e-mailed him back.. but it clearly wasn't his e-mail so I hope whoever his friend passes on my message to him. I miss him dearly, and it's weird not being able to text him during the day or call him to say goodnight. I hope he knows how much I love him and that I think of him all the time.

As for me, my day consisted of complete laziness. A quiet 4th of July for me, for the second year in a row. I watched TV with my family most of the day, made cookies, scheduled my classes and watched The Shining (because we just got back from visiting the Stanley Hotel --the place where Stephen King was inspired to write the novel).

Right now, my parents are watching Hoarders, my sister is figuring out her college classes/job potentials, my other sister is watching tv/facebooking, and I am blogging to whomever is reading this.

Kyle - I hope you are having a great time and thinking of me, because I am certainly thinking of you! I miss you baby, and I can't wait to hear from you. I love you! Besitos <3